Capybara: Debugging Your Specs with save_and_open_screenshot Method

Tagged under: #rspec#capybara
Capybara is a popular testing tool for writing and executing acceptance tests for web applications. It’s often used in conjunction with RSpec, a testing framework for Ruby, to write integration tests that simulate a user’s interaction with a web application.
While writing tests with Capybara, there may be instances where you need to see what the application looks like at a certain point in time to understand why a test is failing. This is where the save_and_open_screenshot
method comes in handy.
The save_and_open_screenshot
method allows you to save a screenshot of the current page being tested and open it in your default image viewer. This feature can be incredibly helpful in debugging tests that are failing and providing visibility into the state of the application at a specific point in time.
To use save_and_open_screenshot
, simply include it in your RSpec test where you want to capture a screenshot. For example:
it "displays the correct information on the page" do
visit "/my_page"
expect(page).to have_content("Welcome to My Page")
When this test is run, Capybara will save a screenshot of the page after the visit line is executed and open it for you to view. This allows you to see exactly what the page looks like and verify that the expected content is present.
It’s important to note that save_and_open_screenshot
should be used sparingly, as it can slow down the speed of your tests. Additionally, it’s not recommended to use this method in a production environment, as it could potentially expose sensitive information.
In conclusion, the save_and_open_screenshot
method is a powerful tool for debugging tests in Capybara. It provides visual insight into the state of the application and can help you quickly identify and resolve issues in your tests. Just remember to use it wisely and only in a development or testing environment.
Another option to capture a screenshot while testing with Capybara is the save_screenshot
method. This method is similar to save_and_open_screenshot
, except that it only saves the screenshot to your local file system and does not open it automatically.
To use save_screenshot
, you would include it in your RSpec test like so:
it "displays the correct information on the page" do
visit "/my_page"
expect(page).to have_content("Welcome to My Page")
In this example, the screenshot of the current page will be saved to a file named screenshot.png in your local file system. You can then open the screenshot file manually to view it.
The advantage of using save_screenshot
over save_and_open_screenshot is that it provides more control over where and how the screenshot is saved. For example, you can specify a different file path or format for the screenshot.
In conclusion, both save_and_open_screenshot and save_screenshot
can be useful for debugging tests with Capybara. The choice between the two will depend on your specific needs and preferences.